úterý 25. října 2011

How have I decided to start this blog

It is quite a long story. Having nearly no time one could be curious why I decided to write a blog. And will this blog have more than this one contribution? And why I write in English eventhough my English is terrible?

Ok, ok. Lets start. I'm a PhD. student and have also a baby (1 year old girl). After master degree I haven't been sure whether I want to continue to study or start working. 5 months on the maternity leave decided instead of me. I have chosen school. But I decided to switch the theme and instead of physics do something more interesting for me - cognitive science. I had only very superficial knowledge of this field so I spent half year buried under books and I have tried to fill in the gaps in my education. I haven't finished this part yet:-)

But now the other part of my PhD. studies starts. I have to do some experiments, decide what I'll be focusing on, implement methods, algorithms and so on. I think that it could be nice to have some reminder of my progresses and work. Have some notepad where I'll try to write what are the most interesting issues for me by now, what are the problems of the models and so on and so on.

Another reason is that we are starting with new lab - Incognite (Cognitive modeling and bio-inspired robotics) and it is something like a milestone in Czech republic. There isn't any cognitive modeling group in Czech republic yet and even no department of Cognitive science. So maybe this is the first step to the new department.

We'll see.

I can't promise that I will write more than this contribution. But I'll try.
English isn't my cup of tea but I think that it is important when we start in Czech republic with cognitive science to have information in English to ease the cooperation. So I can only promise I'll try my best. Hope you'll understand.

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